Creating a Tortoise Shell Seamless Tile
With Creative Paint Tool In PhotoImpact

tortoise.jpg (6089 bytes)

Open new image 200 X 200.

Choose Effect - Creative - Painting

Use settings at right or play
with them until you have a look
you like. Be sure to check the
Tile box if you want a seamless tile.

Stroke Color - R 255, G 115, B 0
Background Color - Black

tortpanel.jpg (25268 bytes)


You can probablycome up with some interesting tiles by varying the colors and
settings used. I like to save the tiles to a separate texture folder and import into
my Easy Pallette for use with the material options for text and paths.


For those of you who like the PI
Snapshots, you can drag the
snapshot image into your Easy
Pallette to use within PI.
tortoisetut.jpg (33272 bytes)



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